BlissDom'12 has ended

Beth Anne Ballance

Beth Anne is a born & bred Southern belle, writing The Heir to Blair with words & pictures to celebrate the challenges of motherhood & joy of life. She adores good books, rich coffee, & to-do lists. Balancing motherhood & career, she chases her toddler on the playground in heels & attends meetings with Matchbox cars in herbriefcase. Follow BA at @HeirtoBlair to make a friend & meet a friendly face before Blissdom!Her second year at Blissdom (but fourth blogging conference overall!), BA is thrilled to guide newcomers through the excitement of the conference with her 3 Commandments of Blissdom:

  • There shall be no tears of loneliness or feelings of overwhelming nature.
  • There shall be learning & laughter & friendships made.
  • There shall be a rockin’ good time